Checkout (2 steps)
We are on the product page. We choose color and size and click the Add to cart button
The product is already in our cart where we select Shopping Cart
2 fields appear New Customer & Login. The first is to create an account (Fields appear where we fill in our information and create an account, the fields are mandatory to complete the purchase) and the second to log in if you have an account. Please fill in a delivery address if you want a different one from the billing address.
Shipping Method
Partner carriers for that area are displayed with the carrier with the cheapest cost default. Here you can check someone other than the recommended ones if they exist. The estimated delivery time is also displayed.
Payment -(select)-
1) Payment by cash on delivery
Payment is made in cash to the carrier upon receipt of your order. Cash on delivery does not appear for products that have been modified.The shipment is carried out immediately.
2) Payment by credit card or with Wallets Google Pay Apple Pay.
If you choose this payment method, you are on the SAFE payment platform contracted with Lou Shoes, where you can log in and complete your purchase.
Payment by card is completed in its secure environment
a) STRIPE (All cards accepted) and all her Wallets
You are on our store page and see the complete details of your order. Fill in your card details exactly as they appear on your card to pay with the STRIPE platform
b) simplify Mastercard of N.B.G. National Bank of Greece. (All cards accepted)
the NBG box is checked and after completing the order a field will appear where you fill in your card details exactly as they appear on your card.
Note: With card payment, the order is automatically confirmed and you receive a successful payment message.
3) Deposit to a bank account
Details of available accounts are displayed where you can make your deposit where they are sent to your registration e-mail.
The shipment is carried out after the deposit is confirmed.
4) IRIS payment
You will be transferred to the DIAS IRIS payment system for immediate payment via e-banking or QR code
Purchase Summary & Completion
View cart with product photo, code, color, size, availability, price, quantity. Field to use coupon.
There is a field where you can write a message.
Finally, a link is displayed that describes the e-commerce operating rules (data security rules, shipping, returns, customer registration). At this point you must check that you accept the terms of our online store.
You click the Checkout button with payment obligation and your purchase is complete.
Customer service after purchase.
Immediately after completing your order, you will receive an email that confirms your order and displays information about the progress of your order and connecting to your account.
You can also contact us by phone at 2310 268899 during store hours.